Friday, October 5, 2007

Cockburn Square Stern Pointer outside John Cockburn & Son Boat Builder Building

This pointer could be a more modern 32' square stern model built in the 1950's and 1960's for use with an outboard motor. This particular model also has an open bow.
In its heyday the Cockburn loft at 201 Lake Street in Pembroke produced about 200 pointers annually and employed about 12 men. In its waining years with two steady helpers and four additional hands during the winter it produced about 65 pointers per year. In full production, that amounted to one and one-half boats a day.
"The Pointer Boat"
Ontario Dept of Lands and Forests

Photos by Montaigne of Pembroke
Arnold Gillies Muirhead Collection
Sept 6, 1955 Pembroke, Ontario

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